My Mr/Mis V.V.I.P ma Friends Forever

LETs : Exchange Links !!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Suara ♥ ku dan dia

harini dah 39 owang LIKE aku...
i LIKE them much :x:x
ade gak yang terase dengan kelantangan ak cakap
pasal menagih fofular....Oops ade aku kesah ke???
hahahah...ak tagih keikhlasan...tapi sape comment hahahaha
ade yang senangi aku...bagi ak ...andai kiter ikhlas segalanya begitu mudah
xnak lah HIPOKRIT ....suke org yang xsuke aku hahahaha
ok...forget about THAT...i love u ayah...
'' Thanks for the MONEY ....i know how much u care about me..."
and never let me DOWN...when i needed the MOST...

malam nih sum1 layan lagu bryan adam...everthing i do....
ak mmg suke lagu lame2 ni....:D besh nye kalau ade org tuju untuk aku hahaha
memang ak tangkap perasan yang tak ingat la hahahaha.....

ak risau...ttg sum1 ....hmm adakah die ok..??
plzzz don't HIDE anything....( ak je takpe hahaha:))

wat bende cam ni i like;)

sis mau wat hehehe... lalalal

1.I love knowing that my ideal life is being with YOU..

2.I love how it feels when fallin' in LOVe ...

3.I've decided that i alwayz be true ...

4.It excites me whenever i know that u actually CARE

5.I love the idea of that spread love everywhere you go... Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier...

6.I'm excited if i can share ur laughter and tears..

7.I love seeing myself as a girl who always even when her heart is n the 1 that could always up ur day even if she couldn't brighten her own

8.It makes me happy that u alwayz stand by me

9.I feel blessed that i almost there and glad i found you ???...

10. I believe that things happen each day, many of which are beyond Our control. Let us treasure every moment N every1 in our lives. Tomorrow may never come. Give and accept what U have today...

11. I'm in the process of gaining my self confidence ...

12. I FORGIVE if u didn't think about me at all ... .like i'm thinking about YOU ..

13.I APPRECIATE that every person that i LIKE , LIKE me the way i am...


nak simpan ...perbualan ni hahahah


Between Mrx and AKU

June 20 at 10:00pm
diam....jew nper...
hurmm....sorry sbb semalm....
xnk kawn za g kew ..gtaw...
esok za exam ptg kul 2...
wish me luck ok....
mr X June 21 at 10:35am
sape kate taknak kawan.. Anyway, Good Luck.. Berusahalahhhh..

:P kamu...

Aku: xde kreadit taw...:D sorry semalam xblas...
dah tgk blog bawu ??:D :))
hurm...harap kamu happy..taw...;)
ape2 citer lah....
jgn rahsie :D

June 24 at 6:27pm
MrX dah tgok dah.. tp dat one not about u..
June 24 at 8:25pm
June 24 at 8:45pm
about me:P
about ape i bace:D ....mane ade blog lain:P

Mr X.
ada blog lain.. tapi nak kena invite.. :p
June 24 at 8:56pm

Aku : June 24 at 8:58pm
ehh ade ke :O:O nape D xtaw:P
rase cam dah xde:P
xupdate dah agypun ( tipuje)

Mr X
:lain kali nak tipu, tipu le betol2.. :P

June 24 at 9:20pm
June 24 at 9:21pm
padam link tu :P
padam pat :P simpan address eh:P
ishk :( :P

Mr X
link mana nih.. tak paham..
June 24 at 9:24pm
June 24 at 9:51pm
darling hahhaha
simpan agy ke adress blog lame:P
buang la:P

Mr X :p
June 24 at 9:58pm

June 24 at 10:00pm
hahhahaha nakal
xpe2 jangan simpan taw :P

MrX :
kalo simpan?
June 24 at 10:02pm
June 24 at 10:03pm
ala.....nak bukak open malu lah hahahhaha
byk kutuk org hahhahaha:)):))

MrX ok
June 24 at 10:06pm
June 24 at 10:08pm
byk bende berlaku yang wat D sedey dalam v*...
rase cam salah je......salah D kot hahahha

MrX :ala, watpe nak sedih.. tak guna sedih.
June 24 at 10:13pm
June 24 at 10:14pm
hmm dah luah kat blog hahaha
xsedey dah:D
suke lah button LIKE
nampak sape xsuke kiter hahahha
what the FISH...

: tak semestinya org tak tekan like dia tak suke kita.. takde paksaan utk like.. hehehe
June 24 at 10:15pm
June 24 at 10:24pm
hahhaha ade je org xLIKE kiter nampak sangat...
:) betul tekaan :))....mmg xde paksaan:P ( kempen xpe pulak ea:P)

MrX :
hahaha.. kempen jer.. tak paksa.. :))
June 24 at 10:40pm
June 24 at 10:41pm
:)) Mr X mr X...
hmm nak tanye kamu..
tapi cam xyahlah...hahha

MrX :
ape nyer.. tanya laa.. :))
June 24 at 10:46pm

June 24 at 10:48pm
M tuh awek kamu ke:))
ke suke kamu:) ( juz tanye )
xnk jawab xpe...

bila masa plak M tu awek kita.. hahhaha.. mana ada..
June 24 at 11:01pm

June 24 at 11:02pm
:D:D eley :D:D
die macm suke kamu :D
;) personal thought :P

hhahhaha the end....

macm ak jeles je kan bunyi die...hahahah aippppppp..ak easy going person...
ak xnak org pening pk pasal aku....ak xnk org sebuk nak tolong ak sampai ape ak rase kat die
sebab bende2 nih hanya hati yang paham akan least kalau esok lusa .....xde ..die taw...penting sangat ke...rase dibalas rase tu..???nope...i juz don't even care right now...
cume ak suke perasaan nih...rase dia ada untuk aku...walaupun die bz keje..
burden??? ....keikhlasan penting...aperpun ak masih available utk sume org yang memerlukan care dari aku.....sahabat dar v* kehilangan mak die....hmmm
salam takziah...ak nasihat die sbg sahabat...die due beradik kembar....hmmm lelaki...
tuhan bagi ujian berat pada die...ak betul2 harap2 die get over it ....i will stand by him....
sape2 je....kadang2 ak rase org xphm , condition aku....ak dgn die xde ape2...i juz think that he might felt the same way...but in other way i don't think i don't wanna come clean to public admit what i felt and will be humiliated to other gurl out there .....cuz i believe he will never say sumthing stupid like i LOVE you ....cuz we haven't met yet...infact he don't believe in cyber LOVE ......yes i'm not willing to take the risk...i'm happy now...plz don't make it hard for me....and HIM....cuz pressure is all over will make me feel so bad....if i know he sad or being pushed for stupid thing like this....i juz wanna stand by him...and he make me so HAPPY thats all matters now...

i happy the way it LET it BE.... :x:x

nota kakiku dibibirmu : setiap org ade kesah cinta ,
ade yang berjaya ada yang berduka...

ade yang dianugerah kan hati yang besar
untuk memberi kasih

syg pada yang SEPI ....itulah aku..
ak penchenta kehidupan

di celah sepi itu ada namaku.....
carilah ak disitu..kerana aku ada untukmu


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Istimewanya Wanita

Renungan buat insan yang bergelar wanita. Ketahuilah betapa istimewanya dan bertuahnya menjadi wanita. Bagi kaum lelaki, hormatilah kaum wanita yang bergelar ibu dan isteri. Berikut adalah himpunan hadis-hadis yang berkenaan.

  1. Doa wanita lebih maqbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki. Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulallah s.a.w. akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda : "Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia."

  2. Wanita yang solehah (baik) itu lebih baik daripada 1,000 orang lelaki yang tidak soleh.

  3. Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 orang wali.

  4. Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 lelaki soleh.

  5. Barang siapa yang menggembirakan anak perempuannya, darjatnya seumpama orang yang sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah s.w.t. dan orang yang takutkan Allah s.w.t. akan diharamkan api neraka ke atas tubuhnya.

  6. Barang siapa yang membawa hadiah (barang makanan dari pasar ke rumah) lalu diberikan kepada keluarganya, maka pahalanya seperti bersedekah. Hendaklah mendahulukan anak perempuan daripada anak lelaki. Maka barangsiapa yang menyukakan anak perempuan seolah-olah dia memerdekakan anak Nabi Ismail a.s.

  7. Tidaklah seorang wanita yang haid itu, kecuali haidnya merupakan kifarat (tebusan) untuk dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu, dan apabila pada hari pertama haidnya membaca "Alhamdulillahi'alaa Kulli Halin Wa Astaghfirullah“ (Segala puji bagi Allah dalam segala keadaan dan aku mohon ampun kepada Allah dari segala dosa.); maka Allah menetapkan dia bebas dari neraka dan dengan mudah melalui siratul mustaqim yang aman dari seksa, bahkan Allah Ta'ala mengangkatnya ke atas darjat, seperti darjatnya 40 orang mati syahid, apabila dia selalu berzikir kepada Allah selama haidnya.

  8. Wanita yang tinggal bersama anak-anaknya akan tinggal bersama aku (Rasulullah s.a.w.) di dalam syurga.

  9. Barang siapa mempunyai tiga anak perempuan atau tiga saudara perempuan atau dua anak perempuan atau dua saudara perempuan, lalu dia bersikap ehsan dalam pergaulan dengan mereka dan mendidik mereka dengan penuh rasa taqwa serta bertanggungjawab, maka baginya adalah syurga.

  10. Daripada Aisyah r.ha. "Barang siapa yang diuji dengan sesuatu daripada anak-anak perempuannya, lalu dia berbuat baik kepada mereka, maka mereka akan menjadi penghalang baginya daripada api neraka."

  11. Syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki ibu.

  12. Apabila memanggil akan engkau dua orang ibubapamu, maka jawablah panggilan ibumu dahulu.

  13. Wanita yang taat berkhidmat kepada suaminya akan tertutup pintu-pintu neraka dan terbuka pintu-pintu syurga. Masuklah dari mana-mana pintu yang dia kehendaki dengan tidak dihisab.

  14. Wanita yang taat akan suaminya, semua ikan-ikan di laut, burung di udara, malaikat di langit, matahari dan bulan, semuanya beristighfar baginya selama mana dia taat kepada suaminya dan meredhainya. (serta menjaga sembahyang dan puasanya)

  15. Aisyah r.ha. berkata "Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. siapakah yang lebih besar haknya terhadap wanita ?" Jawab baginda, "Suaminya". "Siapa pula berhak terhadap lelaki?" Jawab Rasulullah s.a.w. "Ibunya".

  16. Seorang wanita yang apabila mengerjakan solat lima waktu, berpuasa wajib sebulan (Ramadhan), memelihara kehormatannya serta taat kepada suaminya, maka pasti akan masuk syurga dari pintu mana saja yang dia kehendaki.

  17. Tiap perempuan yang menolong suaminya dalam urusan agama, maka Allah s.w.t. memasukkan dia ke dalam syurga lebih dahulu daripada suaminya(10,000 tahun).

  18. Apabila seseorang perempuan mengandung janin dalam rahimnya, maka beristighfarlah para malaikat untuknya. Allah s.w.t. mencatatkan baginya setiap hari dengan 1,000 kebaikan dan menghapuskan darinya 1,000 kejahatan.

  19. Dua rakaat solat dari wanita yang hamil adalah lebih baik daripada 80 rakaat solat wanita yang tidak hamil.

  20. Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala berpuasa pada siang hari.

  21. Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala beribadat pada malam hari.

  22. Apabila seseorang perempuan mulai sakit hendak bersalin, maka Allah s.w.t. mencatatkan baginya pahala orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah s.w.t.

  23. Wanita yang bersalin akan mendapat pahala 70 tahun solat dan puasa dan setiap kesakitan pada satu uratnya Allah mengurniakan satu pahala haji.

  24. Apabila seseorang perempuan melahirkan anak, keluarlah dia daripada dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkannya.

  25. Sekiranya wanita mati dalam masa 40 hari selepas bersalin, dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid.

  26. Wanita yang memberi minum susu kepada anaknya daripada badannya (susu badan) akan dapat satu pahala daripada tiap-tiap titik susu yang diberikannya.

  27. Jika wanita menyusui anaknya sampai cukup tempoh (2 1/2 tahun), maka malaikat-malaikat di langit akan khabarkan berita bahawa syurga wajib baginya.

  28. Jika wanita memberi susu badannya kepada anaknya yang menangis, Allah akan memberi pahala satu tahun solat dan puasa.

  29. Wanita yang habiskan malamnya dengan tidur yang tidak selesa kerana menjaga anaknya yang sakit akan mendapat pahala seperti membebaskan 20 orang hamba.

  30. Wanita yang tidak cukup tidur pada malam hari kerana menjaga anak yang sakit akan diampunkan oleh Allah akan seluruh dosanya dan bila dia hiburkan hati anaknya Allah memberi 12 tahun pahala ibadat.
  31. Apabila seorang wanita mencucikan pakaian suaminya, maka Allah mencatatkan baginya seribu kebaikan, dan mengampuni dua ribu kesalahannya, bahkan segala sesuatu yang disinari sang suria akan meminta keampunan baginya, dan Allah mengangkatkannya seribu darjat untuknya.

  32. Seorang wanita yang solehah lebih baik daripada seribu orang lelaki yang tidak soleh, dan seorang wanita yang melayani suaminya selama seminggu, maka ditutupkan baginya tujuh pintu neraka dan dibukakan baginya lapan pintu syurga, yang dia dapat masuk dari pintu mana saja tanpa dihisab.

  33. Mana-mana wanita yang menunggu suaminya hingga pulanglah ia, disapukan mukanya, dihamparkan duduknya atau menyediakan makan minumnya atau merenung ia pada suaminya atau memegang tangannya, memperelokkan hidangan padanya, memelihara anaknya atau memanfaatkan hartanya pada suaminya kerana mencari keredhaan Allah, maka disunatkan baginya akan tiap-tiap kalimah ucapannya, tiap-tiap langkahnya dan setiap renungannya pada suaminya sebagaimana memerdekakan seorang hamba. Pada hari Qiamat kelak, Allah kurniakan Nur hingga tercengang wanita mukmin semuanya atas kurniaan rahmat itu. Tiada seorang pun yang sampai ke mertabat itu melainkan Nabi-nabi.

  34. Tidakkan putus ganjaran dari Allah kepada seorang isteri yang siang dan malamnya menggembirakan suaminya.

  35. Wanita yang melihat suaminya dengan kasih sayang dan suaminya melihat isterinya dengan kasih sayang akan di pandang Allah dengan penuh rahmat.

  36. Jika wanita melayan suami tanpa khianat akan mendapat pahala 12 tahun solat.

  37. Wanita yang melayan dengan baik suami yang pulang ke rumah di dalam keadaan letih akan medapat pahala jihad.

  38. Jika wanita memicit suami tanpa disuruh akan mendapat pahala 7 tola emas dan jika wanita memicit suami bila disuruh akan mendapat pahala tola perak.

  39. Dari Hazrat Muaz : Mana-mana wanita yang berdiri atas dua kakinya membakar roti untuk suaminya hingga muka dan tangannya kepanasan oleh api, maka diharamkan muka dan tangannya dari bakaran api neraka.

  40. Thabit Al Banani berkata : Seorang wanita dari Bani Israel yang buta sebelah matanya sangat baik khidmatnya kepada suaminya. Apabila ia menghidangkan makanan dihadapan suaminya, dipegangnya pelita sehingga suaminya selesai makan. Pada suatu malam pelitanya kehabisan sumbu, maka diambilnya rambutnya dijadikan sumbu pelita. Pada keesokkannya matanya yang buta telah celik. Allah kurniakan keramat (kemuliaan pada perempuan itu kerana memuliakan dan menghormati suaminya).

  41. Pada suatu ketika di Madinah, Rasulullah s.a.w. keluar mengiringi jenazah. Baginda dapati beberapa orang wanita dalam majlis itu. Baginda lalu bertanya, "Adakah kamu menyembahyangkan mayat?" Jawab mereka,"Tidak" Sabda Baginda "Seeloknya kamu sekelian tidak perlu ziarah dan tidak ada pahala bagi kamu. Tetapi tinggallah di rumah dan berkhidmatlah kepada suami nescaya pahalanya sama dengan ibadat-ibadat orang lelaki.

  42. Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan 'Bismillah' akan didoakan oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan.

  43. Wanita yang menguli tepung gandum dengan 'Bismillah', Allah akan berkatkan rezekinya.

  44. Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala seperti meyapu lantai di Baitullah.

  45. "Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang mengeluarkan peluh ketika membuat roti, Allah akan membinakan 7 parit di antara dirinya dengan api neraka, jarak di antara parit itu ialah sejauh langit dan bumi."

  46. "Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya perbuatan baik sebanyak utus benang yang dibuat dan memadamkan seratus perbuatan jahat."

  47. "Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang menganyam akan benang dibuatnya, Allah telah menentukan satu tempat khas untuknya di atas tahta di hari akhirat."

  48. "Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang dan kemudian dibuat pakaian untuk anak-anaknya maka Allah akan mencatatkan baginya ganjaran sama seperti orang yang memberi makan kepada 1000 orang lapar dan memberi pakaian kepada 1000 orang yang tidak berpakaian."

  49. "Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang meminyakkan rambut anaknya, menyikatnya, mencuci pakaian mereka dan mencuci akan diri anaknya itu, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya pekerjaan baik sebanyak helai rambut mereka dan memadamkan sebanyak itu pula pekerjaan jahat dan menjadikan dirinya kelihatan berseri di mata orang-orang yang memerhatikannya."

  50. Sabda Nabi s.a.w. : "Ya Fatimah barang mana wanita meminyakkan rambut dan janggut suaminya, memotong misai dan mengerat kukunya, Allah akan memberi minum akan dia dari sungai-sungai serta diringankan Allah baginya sakaratul maut dan akan didapatinya kuburnya menjadi sebuah taman daripada taman-taman syurga dan dicatatkan Allah baginya kelepasan dari api neraka dan selamatlah ia melintas Titian Shirat."

  51. Jika suami mengajarkan isterinya satu masalah akan mendapat pahala 80 tahun ibadat.

  52. Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah dan kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun lebih awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 malaikat dan bidadari dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga, dan menunggu suaminya dengan menunggang kuda yang dibuat daripada yakut.

  53. Semua orang akan dipanggil untuk melihat wajah Allah di akhirat, tetapi Allah akan datang sendiri kepada wanita yang memberati auratnya iaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah.

  54. Dunia ini adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan ialah wanita (isteri) yang solehah.

  55. Salah satu tanda keberkatan wanita itu ialah cepat perkahwinannya, cepat pula kehamilannya dan ringan pula maharnya (mas kahwin).

  56. Sebaik-baik wanita ialah wanita (isteri) yang apabila engkau memandang kepadanya ia menggirangkan engkau, jika engkau memerintah ditaatinya perintah engkau (taat) dan jika engkau berpergian dijaga harta engkau dan dirinya.

  57. Dunia yang paling aku sukai ialah wanita solehah.

p/s : mula merasa bersyukur dilahirkan perempuan....ALHAMDULILLAH
sekadar RENUNGAN bersama....

Pesanan Untuk Lelaki

“Jangan engkau kahwini wanita yang enam, jangan yang ananah, yang mananah, dan yang hananah, dan jangan engkau kahwini yang hadaqah, yang baraqah dan yang syadaqah.”

Wanita Ananah: banyak mengeluh dan mengadu dan tiap saat memperalatkan sakit atau buat-buat sakit.
* Wanita Mananah: suka membangkit-bangkit terhadap suami. Wanita ini sering menyatakan, “Aku membuat itu keranamu”.

* Wanita Hananah: menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain, yang dikahwininya sebelum ini atau kepada anaknya dari suami yang lain.

* Wanita Hadaqah: melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu, lalu menyatakan keinginannya untuk memiliki barang itu dan memaksa suaminya untuk membelinya.

* Wanita Baraqah: ada 2 makna, pertama yang sepanjang hari mengilatkan dan menghias mukanya, kedua dia marah ketika makan dan tidak mahu makan kecuali sendirian dan diasingkannya bahagianya.

* Wanita Syadaqah: banyak cakap tidak menentu lagi bising.

sumber :

Manusia, Malaikat & Syaitan

Manusia – Eh, dah subuh dah?
Malaikat – Bangunlah wahai anak Adam, tunaikan solat subuh mu .
Syaitan – Alahhhhhh, kejaplah, ngantuk ini…awal lagi nie?.zzzzzzzz

Manusia – Nak makan, laparlah ??
Malaikat – Wahai Anak Adam, mulakanlah dengan Bismillah…
Syaitan – Ahh, tak payahla… dah lapar ini !! mmm..sedapnyaaaa? .

Manusia – Hari ni nak pakai apa ye?
Malaikat – Wahai anak Adam, pakailah pakaian yang menutup aurat..
Syaitan – Ehh, panaslah, takde style langsung, nampak kampung!!!

Manusia – Alamak, dah lewat!
Malaikat – Bersegeralah wahai manusia , nanti terlewat ke pejabat..
Syaitan – Ahhh?awal lagi?mmm..aaahh? suruh si X, punchkanlah?

Manusia – Azan sudah kedengaran.. .
Malaikat – Wahai anak Adam, bersegeralah menunaikan kewajipan
Syaitan – Baru pukul berapa.. rilex lah..awal lagi nieii?.

Manusia – Eh, eh… tak boleh tengok ini, berdosa…
Malaikat – Wahai anak Adam, alihkanlah pandanganmu, sesungguhnya Allah MahaMelihat dan mengetahui !
Syaitan – Perggghh… best tu… . rugi ooo kalau tak tengok nie..

Manusia – Saudaraku sedang melakukan dosa
Malaikat – Wahai anak Adam, cegahla ia..
Syaitan – Apa kau sibuk? Jangan jaga tepi kain orang, lantaklahh? .

Manusia – Elok kalau aku sampaikan nasihat ini kepada orang lain
Malaikat – Wahai anak Adam, nasihat-menasihatilah sesama kamu..
Syaitan – Sendiri pikirlah, semua dah besar, buat apa susah2…pandai2lah?

Manusia – aku telah berdosa..
Malaikat – Wahai anak Adam, bertaubatlah kamu,sesungguhnya Allah Maha pengampun.
Syaitan – Tangguhlah dulu, lain kali boleh bertaubat… lagipun muda hanya sekali….rugila. .. (kalau sempatla)

Manusia – Kalau pergi, mesti seronok!
Malaikat – Wahai anak Adam, kakimu ingin melangkah ke jalan yang dimurkai Allah,berpalinglah dari jalan itu .
Syaitan – Jangan bimbang, tiada sesiapa yang tahu…Jomlahhh?

Manusia – Uuhhh?letihnya hari ni..tak solat lagi nieee?.
Malaikat – Wahai anak Adam, taatilah Allah dan RasulNYA, kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat untukmu. Solat itu wajib bagimu…
Syaitan – Hey anak Adam, ikutilah aku,kebahagiaan di dunia (sahaja) dan kebahagiaan di akhirat (jangan mimpilah!) untukmu…

Sekarang anda mempunyai 3 pilihan :
1. Anda – Patut ke aku biarkan info dalam pengetahuan aku saja????????????????????
2. Malaikat – Ingatkan pada kawan yang anda kenal, beritahu tentang info ini
3. Syaitan – Tak payahlah sibuk-sibuk

daripada :


Empat perkara menguatkan badan

1. makan daging
2. memakai haruman
3. kerap mandi
4. berpakaian dari kapas

Empat perkara melemahkan badan
1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. selalu cemas
3. banyak minum air ketika makan
4. banyak makan bahan yang masam

Empat perkara menajamkan mata
1. duduk mengadap kiblat
2. bercelak sebelum tidur
3. memandang yang hijau
4. berpakaian bersih

Empat perkara merosakkan mata
1. memandang najis
2. melihat orang dibunuh
3. melihat kemaluan
4. membelakangi kiblat

Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. bergaul dengan para ulama


Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit dan

Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat

Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak

Menelungkup/tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka.


Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: "Barang siapa yang menyeru kepada petunjuk maka dia akan mendapat pahala seperti orang yang mengerjakannya,
Allah tidak mengurangkan sedikit pun pahala daripadanya. Dan barang siapa yang menyeru kepada kesesatan maka dia akan berdosa seperti dosa orang yang melakukannya,
Allah tidak akan mengurangkan sedikit pun dosa itu daripadanya." (Hadis riwayat Muslim)

oleh sumber :

How to Be Confident in Your Dating Life

Dating advice for the 'average Joe' from a relationship expert

By dating expert April Masini

sources :YAHOO

ating question: How does an "average Joe" attract and date beautiful women?
Answer: Read on.
What's the number one thing that all daters are attracted to? Here's a hint: It's the same thing that all women find really desirable. OK, I know what you're probably thinking -- fame, or money, or good looks, right? And yes, women are attracted to these things, but the number one quality that you must possess to market yourself to single women -- and to win with women in general -- is intangible, and you don't have to be a millionaire or to have won the genetic lottery to have it. It's dating confidence. (That's C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E.)
Not coincidentally, confidence is also the key attribute that all professional salespeople must call their own in order to be successful. People do not buy products or services from someone who has no confidence in the products they represent. Remember, in the dating world, the "product you represent" is you! Within the dynamics of dating, you are the salesman, and women are your customers. It's up to you to sell the product with assurance and believability -- with such confidence -- that your customers will want to buy it. Think about it:

“Why would a woman have confidence in you if you don't have confidence in yourself?”
Why would a woman have confidence in you if you don't have confidence in yourself?

And while you might agree with what I'm saying about confidence, do you apply it in your dating life?

Here's what I mean. If a woman asked you to describe yourself, how would you do it? By saying you're a "typical" guy or an "average Joe"? If so, stop selling yourself short! And go look up "average" in the dictionary: "standard, usual, ordinary, mediocre, not very good." To get my point across, consider this ad statement: "He is a very average director who makes very average movies." I bet you can't wait to buy tickets to this guy's movie, right?
Women don't want the "average" guy any more than you want your "average" girl. Women are attracted to confident, exciting men who have passion. If you want to start winning with women, you must stop talking about yourself like you're an "average guy" and start acting like you're the greatest guy. Attracting women is all about your attitude -- and if you think of yourself as just "average," your attitude needs a boost!

How is your dating attitude projected? Your attitude is projected in the way you walk, talk, and act toward other people. Attitude is the outward reflection of what's going on inside. When you know you're wonderful, it's reflected in everything you do. There's a level of confidence that simply shines through.
Now, an obvious question is, "What if you don't have confidence?"
I should know a thing or two about finding your dating confidence. I wrote an entire book on the subject called "Date Out Of Your League. It's almost entirely dedicated toward helping single men appeal to the most attractive women by achieving a better attitude, and it totally dispels the dating myth that I hear all the time from guys about confidence. The myth goes something like this: Confidence is something that comes naturally. You either have it or you don't. Not true. In fact, very rarely is confidence something you are born with.

“Dating confidence is a quality that is learned and acquired.”

Dating confidence is a quality that is learned and acquired. Its growth is gradual and based upon the accumulation of little successes and skills over time. Confidence comes in knowing what to do and when to do it, then in following through and doing it! Because confidence is a characteristic that you can obtain, the important thing is to set the wheels in motion and begin methodically and progressively building it now, and then continue adding to it -- for life.
The biggest contributor to (or detractor of) confidence is attitude. The "Law of Concentration" has proven that you really are what you think. If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you are right! Thought becomes reality, and when you take control of your conscious mind and purposely think of who you want to be rather than who you aren't, and focus on what you want rather than what you're afraid you can't have, you will have taken a huge leap toward success.

OK, so you can see how confidence affects your attitude, and attitude affects whether or not you get your ideal woman along with just about everything else you want in life. But you still don't have it. What to do now?

Start by implementing a plan of dating action that will help your confidence.

1. Squash negative thoughts. While we may all have self-doubt at times, when it overruns your life, or dictates your decisions, you've let it go too far. It's within your power to put these feelings aside and opt for more positive, optimistic ones. Plus, women can sense negativity and insecurity from a mile away, and it's a turn-off.

2. Have a goal. Don't wander aimlessly through life with no plans and no direction. Get focused on something, anything, and move toward it. Find your passion. Women feel passionately about passionate men. Whether it's your career, or art, or, well, just about anything, we like it when you're moved by something. And yes, even sports count, though they may not be at the top of our lists.

3. Believe in your own dating greatness. This one is the result of the first two. You don't have to do anything in order to get confident except follow through with your plan of action. A guy who thinks he's fantastic without being too arrogant is intoxicating to women. Trust me, you'll see.


First published April 2010 | It has never been more important to turn your brand into a service. Jaded, time-poor, pragmatic consumers yearn for service and care, while the mobile online revolution (it's finally, truly here!) makes it possible to offer uber-relevant services to consumers anywhere, anytime. Basically, if you're going to embrace one big consumer trend this year, please let it be BRAND BUTLERS!

“BRAND BUTLERS”: Serving is the new selling

1. What, why and how

While we introduced BRAND BUTLERS a few years ago as a promising, emerging trend, we believe that now is the time to go all out on 'serving is the new selling', including this dedicated Trend Briefing. First, a definition:

BRAND BUTLERS | With pragmatic, convenience-loving consumers enjoying instant access to an ever-growing number of supporting services and tools (both offline and online), brands urgently need to hone their 'butlering skills'*, focusing on assisting consumers to make the most of their daily lives, versus the old model of selling them a lifestyle if not identity.

* For more on what makes a great butler, see this wiki, or this PDF by 'Modern Butlers'.

Here's why consumers are embracing these BRAND BUTLER-style services:

  • For consumers, time, convenience, control and independence are the new currencies: this need requires B2C brands to turn many of their 'campaigns' if not all interactions with their customers into broader services. In short: a shift from 'broadcasting' to assisting.
  • Relationships with brands are now more down to earth and less reverential. From individualism to eco-concerns to decreased spending power in developed economies: for consumers, the practical and pragmatic rule.
  • Yet, in uncertain times, there's also a consumer longing for institutions that truly 'care' (please re-read our GENERATION G briefing), which is more about showing empathy and providing customers with a status fix (please re-read our PERKONOMICS briefing) than being purely practical. This too requires brands to master more service-oriented personae.
  • On top of all of the above, the current mobile online revolution (hey, it took more than a decade of breathless predictions, but mobile internet usage is now finally exploding around the globe) is shifting these consumer expectations even further into the always-on, instant gratification online arena. (please re-read our NOWISM briefing). For brands, this means that there are now endless creative and cost-effective ways to deliver on this need for assistance, for 'butlers'.

Build a BRAND BUTLER omnipresence

While many brands now offer at least a few stand-alone BRAND BUTLER-esque services (witness the many examples below), very few brands have an integrated (or, dare we say, holistic) BRAND BUTLER strategy in place yet.

That means a major opportunity to be amongst the first to roll out a cohesive suite of services, embodying the essence of your brand. And with brand essence we mean: What are you about as a brand? What themes? What benefits?
Is it 'connectivity'? Inside information? Convenience? Hope? Health? Speed? Reliability?
So, fine-tune your theme(s), and let them be at the center of any BRAND BUTLER brainstorming.

The resulting, ideal ‘BRAND BUTLER OMNIPRESENCE' would be a mix of (discreetly) being there when customers want you to be there, and pleasantly surprising them with your presence when they least expect it. For simplicity's sake, this omnipresence can be divided in online and offline activities:


It should come as no surprise that apps, whether for iPhones, Blackberries, or Android devices, offer a quick route to deliver BRAND BUTLER services: offering useful, (semi-) branded content, residing on consumers' online devices is a marriage made in heaven.

Oh, and you obviously don't have to develop everything yourself: why not partner (or acquire) one of the many third-party apps already out there. Just one example: L'OREAL recently teamed up with Vanity Fair's Hollywood app to offer consumers tools to organize their Oscar night voting pools, as well as offering live results and exclusive Vanity Fair content.
So... time to scan the iPhone App Store, Google’s Android Market, and Blackberry's App World.


In the 'real' world, brands obviously can’t be everywhere all the time. By default, they will be more expensive to execute as well. So 'offline' BRAND BUTLER services need to be prioritized by utter relevance and/or surprise.
One popular offline BRAND BUTLER tactic is to establish permanent or pop-up branded spaces and lounges, often tied to a specific event (music festivals!) or a location (airports!) which offer ample opportunity to assist consumers / customers with relevant, on-brand services. And here too, like with apps, partnering is key: no need (or even possibility) to go it all alone in what is now a cooperation-economy, anyway.

In the end, finding the right mix of online and offline BRAND BUTLER services is something you will have to do yourself. To get you started, we have included a number of tips in the opportunities section at the end of this briefing.

Feedback and co-creation

Here's a nice bonus: BRAND BUTLER services equal interaction, meaning they can provide brands with valuable feedback, metrics and other learning opportunities about what interests, drives and triggers customers. Furthermore, BRAND BUTLERS is a great match with CO-CREATION: who better to ask what additional services they would like than your own customers!?

For the record: What is it not?

  • Simply offering excellent yet tried-and-tested customer service and support functions, or typical online features such as price-lookup or anything facilitating ecommerce activities. While excelling in offering these hygiene factors of course do contribute to an overall 'feel' of assistance for customers, we would qualify them as (after) sales support, not 'butlering'.
  • BRAND BUTLER services typically do not replace top quality products and paid services: they go ‘over and above'. In other words, while it would be fantastic if one of your BRAND BUTLER services is so well liked that you can charge money for it, and turn it into your core-offerings, in most cases BRAND BUTLER services can/should only exist because they support your core (and hopefully outstanding) products and services.
  • Last but not least, as BRAND BUTLERS is all about relevance and service, this is not about gimmicks or entertainment for entertainment's sake.

2.  BRAND BUTLER examples

While you can no doubt come up with another dozen, we've tried to limit the number of BRAND BUTLER service categories to a manageable eight:

But first... the obvious

Let’s kick off with some examples that you’ve seen, or may be using yourself, and that embody BRAND BUTLER thinking. If you’re not already providing your customers with similar basic services as we speak, you’re in trouble:

  • Mastercard’s ATM Hunter iPhone app allows users to find their nearest ATMs by entering their location or using built-in GPS functionality.
  • In Turkey, mobile networks Vodafone and Turkcell have developed iPhone apps that allow consumers to find a wide variety of nearby venues and services.
  • In the UK, the AA’s (Automobile Association) Best of Britain app is designed to help users find local hotels, restaurants and attractions during their trips around the country.

Transparency and 'In the know'

So let’s move on to transparency and ‘in the know’. This BRAND BUTLER category is all about providing consumers with information that will either lubricate or enrich their lives.

Transparency has to do with giving customers access to vital (process or product) information that a company until now may have used for internal purposes only. (One of our favorite gurus, Jeff Jarvis, recently called this 'operational transparency': do check it out here.)

'In the know'. Not surprisingly, 'in the know' services are often offered by brands that in the end are (or want to be) all about lifestyle.

A few examples, from brands like Nike, Beck’s, Nissan, Domino's, MasterCard and more:

  • Domino's Pizza Tracker allows US customers to follow the progress of their pizza order from preparation through to delivery via a web interface.
  • Nike’s True City iPhone app aims to give consumers ‘insider’ information on six European cities, while also allowing users to share their own tips and delivering exclusive Nike offers and information.
  • The Adidas Urban Art Guide is a free iPhone travel guide listing Berlin's best graffiti. Users can click on each marked location to retrieve images as well as information about the piece and the artist.
  • Beck's Gig Finder app helps users to find local music gigs. The app's map and GPS interface allow users to see where he or she is in relation to the gigs.
  • Smirnoff has teamed up with Time Out to deliver an iPhone app that’s designed to offer users up to date information on London’s nightlife and entertainment.
  • Nissan’s Prove It iPhone app provides maps of 45 European ski resorts, enabling users to track their friends’ locations on the slopes as well as offering guides to the resorts themselves.
  • Mastercard has developed a Priceless Picks app, which allows users to share their favorite places and deals, which are then displayed on an interactive map for other users to browse.
  • Parisian jeweler Van Cleef & Arpels offers a day in Paris, an iPhone app that offers to guide users through ‘a poetic ballad in Paris’, discovering romantic venues around the city.
  • An older, offline example: In December 2008, HSBC launched a personalized magazine kiosk at London's Heathrow Terminal 1, where consumers could choose from a large selection of loose-leaf articles which a staff member would bind into a free personalized magazine.
  • Google labs has developed City Tours, which uses Google Maps to offer a variety of walking tours in cities around the world. The tours also offer practical information such as opening hours.
  • Tiger beer celebrated the Chinese New Year by launching an iPhone app designed to guide users around London’s Chinatown. The augmented reality bar and restaurant guide is accompanied by a ‘Tuk Tuk Challenge’ driving game.

Saving money

Now here’s a BRAND BUTLER idea: why not go out of your way to help your customers save money in their daily lives (please note: this is not about saving money on purchases, price comparison, coupons etc: those are part of the sales process). Some innovative examples, from Virgin, Gap, and IKEA:

  • Taxi2 is a cab sharing initiative from Virgin Atlantic. Open to passengers of any airline, users can log on to the Taxi2 site, input their flight details, and the system matches them with suitable cab-sharing companions.
  • Sprize, provided by Gap in and around Vancouver, BC, allows shoppers to register online before they shop, and if an item's price is reduced within 45 days of purchase, their Sprize account will automatically be credited the difference.
  • Ikea Covoiturage allows the furniture giant’s French customers to arrange car-sharing to and from their stores.


One of BRAND BUTLERS’ holy grails: helping people find information that is relevant and timely, going above and beyond what is now expected from every corporate site, manual or brochure. Needless to say that anything ‘mobile’ wins hands down in this category, as it’s all about being available anywhere, anytime. We’ll let the examples do the talking:

  • The SitOrSquat app, which is offered by toilet paper brand Charmin, allows users to find bathrooms, change tables, disability access and other amenities. The application's users add content to the database and provide feedback when they've used one of the featured toilets.
  • Pet food brand Purina offers a branded application that helps consumers to find ‘Petcentric’ locations in their vicinity.
  • Real estate site Zillow’s iPhone app uses the phone’s GPS to provide details of estimated home values, homes for sale, and recently sold homes.
  • The North Face Snow Report app provides weather forecasts, snow reports, driving directions, and maps for global ski resorts, as well as allowing users to tweet about conditions from within the app.


While (too) many B2C brands are setting up their own social networking services, we wanted to include this category… So just one example:

  • vtravelled, launched by Virgin Atlantic, is a social network aimed at creating a global community of travel lovers. The free service allows members to share travel knowledge, thoughts and photos, and access real time updates about destination events and information

Health, Nutrition & Exercise

If your brand is about wellness, about healthy lifestyles: good for you, as you will find it impossible to ever run out of BRAND BUTLER ideas, and you will have consumers' attention for many years to come. Check out examples from NIVEA, Olay, Nestlé, Nike, and others.

  • The Nivea Sun iPhone app is designed to help Brazilians tan safely. The app collects information about the user, suggests the correct SPF to be used on a particular day, and alerts the user when the protection should be reapplied.
  • Olay for You is a branded micro-site offering a two-way dialogue with consumers to help improve their skin. The user is asked a series of questions centered on their lifestyle, appearance, and skincare regime, before offering some advice and a product recommendation.
  • The much-lauded Nike + running system offers an online dashboard for recording exercise data, and includes the ability to set goals, join challenges and make contact with other users.
  • New Balance has released a Total Fit app, which is powered by the online run tracking website MapMyRun. The app allows users to view running routes, exercise history and fitness levels while offering coaching functions and the ability to connect with other runners.
  • Adidas has created a concept Runbase store in Tokyo, which offers showers, locker rooms and weekly workshops and events. Customers also have the opportunity to design their own shoes and rent running gear.

Skills & Advice

Skills, knowledge, manners: they're the new status symbols, and thus helping consumers acquire those skills and insights (closely linked to your brand essence of course) is a sure win. Learn from examples from Virgin, Tesco, Smirnoff and others.

  • Virgin Atlantic offers an iPhone app, Flying Without Fear, for anxious travelers. Following an introduction by Sir Richard Branson, videos run through the in-flight experience, while users can click on the 'fear attack' button for a breathing exercise and other tips.
  • Tesco’s Wine Finder app is capable of recognizing any wine in the retailer’s database from a photo of the bottle. The app also recommends wines based on price, country of origin and accompanying cuisine.
  • Swedish food brand Santa Maria offers an iPhone app that offers grilling tips and advice. The application features recipes, a BBQ handbook and a grilling timer.
  • In 2009, Smirnoff held a series of master-classes for men wanting to become 'Modern Gentlemen'. Three complimentary classes were delivered in London to a limited number of guests, focusing on classic cocktail making, style consulting and grooming.
  • From September 2009, US based Intelligentsia Coffee began offering customers the opportunity to taste, test and learn about the art behind coffee brewing. Customers can visit the company's 'lab' for lessons in at-home brewing, latte art, milk foaming and espresso tasting.


What trend these days doesn’t come with an avalanche of eco-examples? Check out what Volkswagen, Fiat, Garmin, HP and others came up with to assist customers in greening their behavior (and sometimes saving some money in the process, too):

  • Created by Fiat, eco:Drive is an application that can be downloaded to USB and transferred to a vehicle’s onboard computer, aiming to improve driving efficiency by measuring the driver's ability to drive in an eco-friendly manner. The software evaluates the user's driving style and gives a mark out of 100. Online tutorials subsequently encourage drivers to improve their score, and ultimately reduce their carbon emissions.
  • In March 2009, Galp Energia launched Galpshare, a carpooling platform available throughout Portugal, where commuters can create a profile, specify their daily route and find others heading the same way. Users can also list their musical preferences and interests, helping them find people they'd enjoy sharing a ride with.
  • In 2009, Garmin developed ecoRoute, a downloadable program that determines a route's eco-friendliness. Users can download the free ecoRoute software update from the Garmin website, and it will determine the environmental cost of a future trip, allowing informed decisions to be made about whether it is better value to take a car or public transport.
  • Chevrolet teamed up with the 2010 SXSW festival to offer the Chevy Volt Recharge Lounge where visitors could enjoy refreshments and recharge their electronic devices. The brand also offered a 'Catch a Chevy' service, which offered festival-goers lifts around Austin.
  • Launched at the Glastonbury music festival in June 2009, the Orange Power Pump, is a device that charges a mobile phone battery using foot power. Users pump power back into their phones while inflating their mattress, with 60 seconds of pumping equating to 5 minutes of call time.
  • HP's Planet Partners Program allows consumers to recycle a wide range of products from any manufacturer. HP provides the service for free, along with an online portal for guidance and instructions.

Tools & Amenities

In this category, things get truly practical: all kinds of online & offline tools, spaces and amenities to assist consumers in their search for comfort and problem-solving. Please note that some of the information-based services in this category differ from those mentioned in the ‘Finding’ category, by virtue of their ability to deliver something more than just directions.

Let’s start with some ‘old’ yet still copy-worthy examples:

  • A few older, yet still copy-worthy examples: In 2008, Swedish clothing brand Elvine launched Creators Inn, offering select creative types a free place to stay in Gothenburg and Stockholm. Working with local independent organizers, Elvine's aim is to use the room to host artists and creatives visiting Gothenburg at no charge and with no strings attached.
  • In 2007, Dutch Rabobank installed Rabo Lockers at Scheveningen Beach. The lockers, which cost EUR 3 to use, were equipped with a digital lock, so that users didn't need to keep a key or a ticket.
  • In November 2008, Zurich Insurance installed 'Help Point Booths' at London Heathrow and Zurich airports, offering free internet access, charging facilities and other concierge services for travelers, including cleaning materials to deal with spilled coffee, and information about travel destinations.
  • Since 2006, personal care brand Charmin has been offering New Yorkers access to clean and comfortable restrooms in Times Square. The brand opens the free facilities during the festive period each year.
  • To launch Stove Top Quick Cups, Kraft Foods offered warmth and hot food samples at cold Chicago bus stops. In November 2008, Kraft began heating ten bus shelters to give consumers relief from the cold.
  • In 2007, Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport and Nutricia opened the free Schiphol Babycare Lounge, featuring seven circular "cabins". Facilities include a changing area, baby baths and a microwave for heating food.
  • US grocery chain Whole Foods Market offers a free recipe app for the iPhone. The recipes include nutritional information, as well as letting the user know what ingredients are on sale in store and also the ability to share their favorite recipes with friends.
  • French retailer FNAC offers an iPhone app that allows users to buy event tickets, maps to find their way to the venue, a fake lighter for concerts, a tool to measure applause levels and a foghorn to support teams during sporting events.
  • Air France/KLM and Allianz have launched an online safe deposit service in partnership with Mondial Assistance. Allianz Protect enables users to save and retrieve their electronic travel documents as well as to authorize a designated person to access them in case of emergency. Unfortunately, the airline and the insurance company charge passengers for the service, something we wouldn't recommend for most BRAND BUTLER services. Making them complimentary and thus potentially viral ensure a branding/service focus (in addition to one's core product) versus an additional revenue angle.
  • In 2009, the US Postal Service launched an online augmented reality application, the Virtual Box Simulator, which allows customers to check the size of objects against USPS standard parcel sizes.
  • FedEx launched a service in December 2009 called SenseAware that tracks and monitors the conditions of packages. A small device equipped with a light sensor, accelerometer, thermometer, cellular and GPS radios is inserted into packages to ensure sensitive shipments arrive in the correct condition.
  • The BMW M Power Meter app uses the iPhone’s accelerometer to measure speed and acceleration, providing performance graphs with a variety of statistical data.
  • The Zipcar iPhone app allows members of the car-sharing service to find, reserve and unlock vehicles using their mobile device.
  • AAMCO's iGAAUGE app provides troubleshooting and car repair information, nearby fuel and traffic information, maintenance and service schedules, and special offers from AAMCO.
  • ColorSnap is a free iPhone app from US paint brand Sherwin-Williams that allows consumers to match the color of a photo taken on their iPhone with over 1,500 colors listed in the Sherwin-Williams database.
  • The British Gas iPhone app allows consumers to regularly record and submit their gas and electricity meter readings, increasing the accuracy of their energy bills.
  • 3M’s Airport Privacy Havens aim to create peaceful zones in major American airports, giving business travelers privacy during important phone calls, and hiding their computer screens from the eyes of passers-by.
  • A range of insurance firms have developed apps that make it easier for consumers to record incidents and file claims using their mobile devices. State Farm’s iPhone app lets users look up policy information, note accident details and submit claims, while Geico’s app lets drivers take photos, make notes and record the details of other parties involved in any incident.


Don't be fooled: despite its perhaps somewhat tactical feel, BRAND BUTLERS is about turning marketing into a service, and thus it is one of the most important branding trends currently out there.

Equally important: Anything that delivers on consumers’ wants the way that BRAND BUTLERS does is something you want to run with today. No budget? Just kill a number of (traditional) advertising/marketing activities to free up some capital, and/or give priority to the online part of your BRAND BUTLER omnipresence (apps!), which is more about creativity than about drowning in money.

A hands-on start would be to establish the themes your brand is about, and dream up an integrated 'suite' of BRAND BUTLER services, both online and offline. Use the eight categories above (Transparency and 'In the know', Saving money, Finding, Connectivity, Health, Nutrition & Exercise, Skills & Advice, Eco, and Tools & Amenities). Obviously, we hope you will add a few categories of your own as well.

On a related note: when plotting your BRAND BUTLER OMNIPRESENCE, many of your ideas will probably revolve around existing customers. Either because they're linked to a purchased product or service, or because they're a distinctive perk. However, there's a huge win in services that are open to non-customers, too. This is where BRAND BUTLERS truly replaces the old broadcasting / advertising model.

Oh, and if you're at an agency: be the first to establish a dedicated, globally acclaimed BRAND BUTLER department, agency or consulting firm.

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