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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pejamkanlah Matamu.....

Pejamkanlah Matamu..
dapatkah engkau merasa
aku ada...
zahirnya tak kulihatkan...
sayang ku sandarkan...
menjadi peneman dikala..
Pejamkanlah Matamu..
Dapatkah dirimu merasa getaran dijiwa.
panggilan rindu mengamit rasa...
diatas kenangan yang masih..
Pejamkanlah matamu..
terlihat kah kamu..
Hanya aku insan..
yg mencintai mu...
setulus rasa....
seikhlas hati...
tidak sesekali...
kupinta simpati..
namun ...
hanya ingin...
sekelumit rasa agar...
rasa dihargai....
by LT..

karya semata mata...
cinta itu bahgia ...
pada org yg tahu mghargai...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Day You will See.....

Love just came into our life
Quietly and Simple..
couldn't express in words
it just happen....

So we tend to love in silence
Admired them from a distance..
via facebook @twiiter
Dreamed of them from afar..

But There will be...
One of these days, 
they will missing you
and you already move on, 
one of these days They will  finally see
they wanna talk 
and you...dont
have nothing to say...
not anymore.....

One day, sometime soon you'll sit down and think
you'll think about every last pm ..
on social network(FB ,Twweet)  and 
every last wink the icon on will smile..
seeing the date and time that passed by...
and you realize only memory stay...
people ??? do walk away...

and the best part is...
Eventually you'll  find somebody ...
different and new..
somebody that treats you better ...
than what you do...
and hope one of these days people...
 that left you feel the pain..
for leaving you...
someday you will learn to think...
 about more than yourself..
only faith looks up...!!


tomorrow seems so distant..
fleeting like a dream.
It is all the same..

We just human..
We do mistake and we learn from it....



i stare at...the..
Blue sky's, the wind blowing ..
the trees making the dance...
Thoughts and memories lay track in my mind..
Remind me again ...
what is so wrong in life...???
be patient ...cuz one day you will see...
bad thing happen for better thing to come..XD
insyaALLAH....dont forget Du'a

Love Quotes Tumblr

Friday, May 25, 2012

Penyejuk Mata , Pendamai Di Hati

Penyejuk matakah kita ...?
Adakah tindakan kita bakal...
 menyejuk mata bakal suami  kita ?
kerana risau akan ada sifat tercela yang ....
menyakitkan hati suami...
Boleh kah..mampu kah kita memikul...
seringkali .....
soalan ini bermain diminda....
berkahwin bukan sekadar hanya menjaga makan -pakai suami ,
memasak , mengemas ,melayan dan jaga anak

ia belum MEMADAI....

proses mengenali pasangan adalah proses ..
mengenali sehingga ke akhir hayat....

rindu kah kita...
waktu bujang tidur hingga 8/9 pagi ...
bila anak sudah ada....4/5 pagi sudah mulai bangun...
bersediakah kita ?

Oleh itu ...
andai nanti punyai isteri/suami...
tapi seringkali dia menyakitkan hati kita...
raut wajah nya tidak mendamaikan hati...
tingkahlaku nya ada jerr tak kena kat mata kita....
andai punyai anak -anak..
terkeluar kata mereka menyusahkan kita...
acapkali anak kita melukai hati kita...
degilnya mereka bakal mengundang amarah kita...

adakah ia dapat mendamaikan hati???
jika keadaan itu terjadi ???
tentu sekali tidak...

kita dianjurkan...berDOA..
minta ALLAH s.w.t mendamaikan hati dan perasaan kita...
serta zuriat yg soleh dan solehah insyaALLAH...
mudah mudahan ,diperkenankan....

jangan mudah menyalah kan takdir....

seperti...'' aku tak patut berkahwin.."
'' aku tak patut ada anak....''

kerana sesuatu yg terjadi adalah Qada n Qadar ALLAH....
setiap benda yang terjadi ada hikmah tersembunyi..
samada ia baik atau buruk....

soal nya penyejuk mata kah aku...??

berhiasan , memakai wangian atau cantik....
amatlah subjektif...
ramai yang cantik di luar sana tapi gagal menjadi penyejuk mata..
kepada suami mereka...
bahkan mereka berakhir dengan penceraian..

(semoga dijauhkan..ALLAH....)

faktor menentukan ...

penyejuk mata seseorang...
dimata suami/isteri..
adalah sejauh mana hubungan kita dengan ALLAH s.w.t...

kata-kata buat renungan bersama....

Bisikkan ke dalam hati anda setiap hari, bahawa anda bakal menjadi penyejuk mata kepada seorang lelaki yang baik suatu ketika nanti. Lelaki itu pula setiap masa mendoakan anda supaya berjaya menjadi penyejuk mata mereka suatu masa nanti. Besar harapan mereka, sanggupkah anda hancurkan begitu sahaja?...

sumber rujukan :


tanya lah pada diri sendiri bersediakah anda..
memikul tangungjawab menjadi seorang...suami..
dan seorang isteri....merangkap ibu dan ayah ...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dear My BitterSweet Life

Dear My BitterSweet...
You think you know me..
you think you see me all the time..? huh..
But what you dont know is the real me...
not even my real name...
What you see is just a picture...
picture can speak for a thousand word..
but if..
what you think you know is all lies....
People think they know me..
But look inside and you will see..
not the person that you thought....
But someone else is whom will be..

Dear My bitter sweet
You think things will change ?
Think things will get better ..?
but how can they when I feel like crying?.
If you really think you  could understand..


Try walking in my shoes..
Not everything that shows..
Is really what I choose...
and yet...
I rather close my eyes and ..
hope for the best to come..
wishing to fly high above..
leaving my sorrows to drown in the dust...
I'm still Sitting here in the rain,...
cuz..Nobody would Listening...
every single tears that been apart..
Feeling all of this pain..
While falling asleep i begin to cry..
Thinking about how hard i try..
As I am beginning to find my way...
I think who am i today..
Thinking about all the nights i cried..
Holding all these feelings inside..
Now getting all them off my chest..
Doing good, only hoping for the best..
My life is like a story told..
My heart is something that i hold..
still pray to ALLAH s.w.t..having faith that..
the worst thing happen for better thing to come..

(sekadar berkarya..)

Quote from google :

Never say you love me
if you don't really care
never say you love me
when all you want to do is to come near
never say you love me
when all you do is lie
never say you love me
if you can't look into my eyes
baby can't you see this is tearing me apart
some day you'll cry for me
like i cried for you
someday you'll miss me
like i missed you
and someday you'll need me
like i needed you
someday you'll love me
but i won't love you..
picture : google

notakakikudibibirmu ..
 I dont know why but i miss you, 
for some good damn reason i miss u, 
simple as that...
 I know that I'm not perfect..
But that's what makes me true ..
I'd like to think that I'm unique..
You know, different, just like you..

psst : i speak mangalish..malay + english
if grammar xok..sory..derr

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