Even if you cry a thousand tears ...
you're going to get your heart broken ...
and yet it isn't just going to happen once ..
trust me ...a LOT...
Thats juz a part of growing up...
and yes...believe me..
it makes you STRONGER than ever..
you will..handle it much BETTER..
next time..as long as u LEARN
worse thing HAPPEN..
for better thing to COME..
you may not get through it by yourself...
your friends...will help u..
someday someone will come along...
no one will ever break your heart...
when that time..happen..
keep your heart..
you gonna be strong...
and not fall apart...
to whom who faling in love with someone you can't have..
and can't forget...
maybe you should really think, are they the one for me? And do i really love them?..
You have no choice but to get over this person… let them go and move on..
we never STOP loving someone...we just learn to LOVE without them...
FRee your mind from worries...Give more..Expect less...
Sometimes ...
A smile hides a thousand tears and a broken heart..
yet..be STRONG..
picture sources : google image