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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

2 Minggu Induction : my 1st day....WooOOoT

ari ni first day aku ...untuk berdiet atkin....
secara muktamad nya aku cuba bukan sebab kerana..
paksa atau terpaksa......
my body yang mahu...bila fikir when...until i decide to at least cuba..
and yes...i need to flushh the fat away....but stil nampak superb lah in a good way...! pui..:p
silap in healthy way......ok fine 2 weeks induction nampak macam senang but then...
untuk orang yang comel macam aku ni...lemak dah tahap tepu...!!! sapa sayang saya 
macam ni......u all memang rabun and awesome...sayang ketat3......heeee

banyak step yang kena amik...aku tak mahu gelojoh ..kita cuba buat step by step ...
nothing imposibble kan......I'm not trying to scare kawan2 yang nak mencuba but kita sama-sama prepare
kita kena mindset ..!!!

My menu for breakfast :
telur goreng hancur minyak sayuran sedikit 
dan hotdog ramly yang daging tu 
teh hijau no sugar ....

aku tak sure bape carb but , minyak tu takda carbo , hot dog ramly yang daging
100g = 5.4g ( lupa nanti update balik ) carb sepekat ada 300 g /10 = 30g  
lebih kurang 1.2 carbo pas calculate per hotdog

satu ikan goreng 
sawi goreng 
telur hancur sikit 

ikan kot 

makan sebelum kul 9 
kurangkan perasa @ process food 
make sure be FUSSY baca label.....

MAKE SURE air 3L wajib habiskan per DAY - (-.-) OOooh my...

People – I will always be fat, no matter what weight I am. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that inside every fat person is a thin person trying to get out. Well, inside every thin person who got that way by losing a lot of weight is a fat person who is really pissed and wants an entire box of Oreos – and maybe a quart of milk to wash them down -NOW!

p/s -
mungkin aku perlukan lebih hari dari 2 weeks...
mungkin aku xupdate selalu tentang menu...
korang boleh tanya pakcik GOOGLE
but then wish me luck !!!...
1st time ...biasakan diri tanpa NASI......OOooooH NOOO!
berat masa SPM stop ASKING or QUESTIONING..
i cepat TACING...heeee...;p... 

being fat and loved by people around me ....always be a SUPER DUPER SPECIAL thingy in my LIFE...but to be more attractive than ever always be dream for fat gurl all around the world ..
I'm tryin my best if it doest suit me.....terpaksalah quit...

sebab utama , aku nak badan rasa lebih ringan senang nak beribadat ....aka kurangkan kemalasan atau suka bertangguh2 benda 1st aku kena lawan adalah nafsu makan ...aku nak jauhkan penyakit jugak...risau ape ker.....i;m gettin old.....yes i am...sekian..
nothing is too late...(betul ke aku speaking ni heheheheh) 

Blog ni macam-macam ado...heee..

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