May Allah bless all of us with peace... May Allah shower his blessing to all of our Muslim Umma. ... may allah grant us good health and wealth Amin ya Rabbal Alamin... new year but stll our new year 1 muharram
juz coretan tahun nih akan berlalu...
1st coretan 2012 ...^___^
tahun lepas bawu dpt keja...
mcm2 keja aku buat....yg penting HALAL...
bukan senang...kadang2 terasa mau jadi full time HOUSE wife..
tapi aku masih ade hutang nk jelaskan...kat MARA...hehe
thn 2011 memang meninggalkan kenangan manis n pahit...
yang pahit....
( xingat pulak)
yang manis...
( byk pula)
yang pasti ramai kawan2 sekolah aku kahwen...and tunang..
aku jeles kat korang okeyh..^^ ntah bila turn aku..:)
kadang2 aku rasa aku xlayak menjadi tunangan org...huhuk
bunyi mcm putus asa....ntahlah.urmm...
org yg pernah aku suka...kira hajat tak sampai lah nih
takdelah..aku percaya setiap apa yang terjadi ade hikmah samaada ia baik atau buruk
yang penting jaga diri elok2....terlajak perahu boleh diunduq terlajak..
kata simpan sampai mati erkkk!! gurau jer......tergoda hati takpe jangan tergoyah iman...
sampai merelakan benda tak sepatutnya..
kita bersama bermuhasabah diri....aku pun tak lepas dari buat silap..
tapi itu bukan alasan untuk terus buat silap...kan kawan3?
aku ingin berubah.....
semalam aku paste ayat sweet....
My dear FUTURE Husband..
I will cook. I will clean. I will shop. I will be the best wife, ever, InsyaAllah.. I will dress up for you. I will maintain my appearance for you. I will make sure to be the best wife I can be, InsyaAllah.. I will have children with you & I will raise them to be the best they can be. I will be the best mother, InsyaAllah.. All this - as long as you promise me one thing..
Help me, accompany me in getting to get Jannah! Insyaallah..
copypaste je ni:p
...for 2012..:x
May Allah bless all of us with peace... May Allah shower his blessing to all of our Muslim Umma. ... may allah grant us good health and wealth Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.. ... Thanks to those who hated me, they made me a stronger person. Thanks to those who loved me, they made my heart bigger. Thanks to those who were worried about me, they let me know that they actually cared. Thanks to those who left me, they made me realize that nothinglasts forever. Thanks to those who entered my life,they made me who i'm today... ♥ 2012 ♥ spread the LOVE avoid HATRED...
quote from kwn maya...
'my wife told me that she's not as beautifull as before... .i smiled & i told her, beauty fades. True love doesn't. I love u my wife..".- sweet nye ayat hasben dia.....romantic gitu....kan...:)
psst : mr kacak still single ,
mr papan....still bz like always..
mr anime ...still mcm dulu..
mr F.....already ..with someone..
miss vogue gitu....(he didn't wish my bufday pun :( )
i thought u were my fren.....but thanks...wish for u hepyness
( fyi :dia dh lama tak berkunjung )
me..??? biarlah rahsia kali ini..
rahsiaNYA :x ...tired...penat arini..
mr dgn exam ;) wish u the best :) always..
psst : bukan jenis tayang BF....
selagi belum officially NIKAH..;) sekian..
aku solute sape2 yg berkahwin...
compare tuh all those people yg begitu taksub dgn bf/gf..
kat laman sosial....yg kita tak pasti hujung nya...
aperpun diam itu lebih baik..
takut terkena panahan mata2 yg iri hati.....
kadang2 hati aku menangis..
menanggis kerana kenapa aku tak bertuah
mcm pompuan lain...perjalanan tuh nampak sukar jer..
bagi aku...tapi aku tahu ALLAH mnguji aku...
selagi mampu aku bertahan...dan meneruskan perjalanan
aku tetap akan melangkah....
ya ALLAH tabah kan hati hambamu..
yang rapuh dalam mencintaiMU namun hati ini tak pernah
berpaling dari cintaiMU...
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