Art of Text...aka SMS....
Plenty of people lie through their teeth, but even more lie through their texts....
lying through SMS because there is less of a personal connection, which makes it easier to do.
people are most angry when lied to through text compared to video or face-to-face communication....
don't believe me...try it...larh..;) you don't need to be rich to texting or bbm....2..
impresss the woman that u like or love...
...but please remember...what goes around always comes around....huh..!
online dating ?...facebooking...
Do not email a woman you've never met any sort of message that references her looks. Do not immediately ask her out either. Even though you're excited, don't blow your load too soon. A few simple rules and a keen sense of observation are all you need...Don't rush....
give them sum time....than she will impresss...make sure you...
clean up your wall and be mindful of what you post.....hahahhaks...
fact ...okeyh...
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