My Mr/Mis V.V.I.P ma Friends Forever

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dear ME ..

siklusseni:extremelybeautiful:For amazing photos filled with inspiring sayings and quotes click here! or HERE!siklusseni : …indeed

Dear me...
Love fades,
Love grows,
Love changes,
and people do goo.....
Yes , I should know...

Dear me..
No matter how bad life gets..

only you knew..
The real you? The one you were ..
trying to cover up with an act. 
They love you so much..
and it's amazing how they tend..

Yes , I should know...

Dear me,
everything not always okay..
please don't losing faith..
ALLAH always with us...
Yes , I Should Know...

karya : LT
tagline : The LESS you know about me the BETTER

LOVE QUOTE to share

You're going to fall in love so many times before...
you find the one you'll be with forever. 
So think of it as, your one broken heart closer to your happily ever after..

Letters starts at ABC
Numbers starts at 123
Music starts at Do,Re,Mi
Love starts by You And Me

Honestly knowing that you love me scares me to death.... 
because you gave me your heart and trust me to keep it safe..


Gave all your feelings into this person...
no guarentee that you would get hurt..

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