so i let her be....urmm..nothing special..
instead benda personal stuff....dan of coz...
i'm not write blog during ofis time...
cuz i don't have a leisure time...
tulis bila balik itupun jarang...dah...
juz update pasal ape yg dibaca..and anything..
byk religious thingy ....
tapi relaks way....
to my boss...
yep sorry today...
cuz tak tepati masa janji g ofiz...dia..
sorry....^^ learn my lesson for today...
dia tanya pasal pressure...
hurm for time being...
i love to speak the truth...
a lil bit....but i still can cope with it..
yep...hope so insyaALLAH...
so far tak de MC...
people learn from mistake so do i...
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