My Mr/Mis V.V.I.P ma Friends Forever

LETs : Exchange Links !!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time is Tide

pagi2...rase sgt3
disayangi oleh temanFB ku...
huhukkk sob sob...
demam....haishkk tengs sume...
sudi jenguk WALL fb ku...

mr.K bagi aku teka teki...
i make it easier ...
why u make it harder...
fyi ..LT memang paling tak suka
benda perah otak....hmm sigh
kita berbeza...
btw tengs for kata2 semalam

semalam PRINCE charming Sms hikhik
why LT panggil dia mcm tuh...cuz...
sebab i'm think he is mr right...
but not for me....lah ...:P
asyik jumpe langit je..
jauh je rase....nak gapai ahaks TET!!!
tak kisah yang penting he sincere jadi kawan LT
so his sms...he said he @ munich..???
over the sea...???forever???
don't know lah...tapi kan...
all this while i thought he gonna married soon..
rupenye still single...OOps!
he did mention tentang LOYAL...
setia pada yang satu...( sweet kan )

'' bila i sayang,suka,minat itu je i nak ...jika sebalik nya
hanya kuasa DIA je dapat menentukanNYA "

semalam aku terusik hati dia dgn nama tuh...
hurm maaf sgt2.....i hope u recover soon....
and smile the way kalau kwn2 nak tahu
gambar header permandangan di atas nih gambar dia....
LT edit dgn PS letak byg2 manusia...hehehe...
LT xmo letak gmbr die kat sini....
aperpun mmg dia comel lah...
camne nak describe eh..mcm muke
mcm model lah...kulit putih , sepet
dia seorang kawan yg supportive...

wish for ur happiness ....always...
my happiness as well..
have faith that we are not alone..
ALLAH know what the best for us...

" Crying at the end does not mean it is a sad ending story,
and laughing in the end does not mean it is happy story..
I learned a lot of things and gained many new experiences.
It was memorable times that will be unforgettable.
This's just a sharing and reminder to myself to be better and better.
Although it seems everything was sweet,
there were also bitter memories..
" -Prince charming

Oops : sorry dude i cut & paste here..nice word....
totally agreee ok...jangan SUE i taw:P
if i'm not mistaken dia LAWYER...
so bahasa english dia mantop....
tak macam LT mangalish...
malay plus ENGLISH hahah

I like to copy an Arabic poem as shared by the speaker,
"When Allah loves someone, He let other people talk about him here and there".
It's so true. It is a sign of love by Allah to His Messenger.
The poem also goes to all of us.
People will never stop talking, either good or bad,
it is a sign of love! just remember that my friends...
-Prince Charming

LT : noted !!
( haippp takmo gosip LT kawan dia je )


Time is Tide
but i keep moving on...
we live , we love...
and we hurt...and LEARN

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